Sunday, April 29, 2012

Group 2: Making a Meal and More!

Students from Ms. Lirenman, Canada, Mrs. Kaput, USA, and Mrs. Phi's classrooms, Hong Kong, have prepared meals to share with their group.  First the original classroom creates a type of video/slideshow with a recipe for the two other classrooms to make as well.

Our culminating video!

Here are the original videos for the other classrooms to watch, learn, and create:

Original Recipes:

Mrs. Kaput's class making applesauce:

Ms. Lirenman's class making GimBap:

Ms. Lirenman's class making Worms and Dirt:

Ms. Lirenman's Class Making Adobo

Ms. Lirenman's Class Making Sri Lanka Coconut Toffee

Ms. Lirenman's Class Making Iraq Baclava with Cream

Ms. Lirenman's Class Making Crepes

Mrs. Kaput's Class Making Salsa:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

VoiceThread Sharing

The 3 and 4 year old Nursery children at British International School, Phuket are one of the youngest groups taking part in the K-2 Building Bridges to Tomorrow global collaborative project.  We have had a wonderful start introducing ourselves to our Group 9 co-classes in Australia and in the United States using VoiceThread to share audio clips and images. 

This was our first class exploration into the Web 2.0 world and we LOVED it!  VoiceThread proves to be an easy and fun tool that young children can use with limited adult support.  It can be integrated into a regular classroom routine in a number of ways including:
            -to extend children who gravitate toward computer/camera play
            -to develop essential speaking and listening skills
            -to share accomplishments with families and the wider school community

I am inspired to continue to use VoiceThread in my classroom and see endless possibilities for mini-projects focused on my learners’ individual interests and needs that I can share virtually with families. 

How do you use VoiceThread in your classroom?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Group 3: Me on the Map

This week students from all four classes across the globe read the same story Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney and then all the students created the same art project.  Each project answered the same questions, but with each school filling in their own geographical information starting with "Me on the Map", city, state, country, continent, and then planet.  It was interesting to see that though we live in different places, we all live together on Earth!