Sunday, February 24, 2013

K-2 Building Bridges 13-1

This week will be our kick off for the K-2 global project from Flat Classroom. I am excited to join this project as the lead teacher. I have lead the 3-5 A Week in the Life project for the last two projects and really enjoy the problem solving involved with creating content across the globe. I love seeing how students eyes are widened by their experiences with other classrooms. I look forward to experimenting with younger grades in this endeavor. If you have not heard about Flat Classroom, please check out their website at


  1. So excited to participate again this year. We have 2 kindergarten classes from our school. Looking forward to working with everyone!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hello
    Just playing around with trying to enter a blog. Apologies
